Contact information is the specialized onine shop for top-quality motorcycle protection products as crashpads (crash protection) and locks (theft protection)

Our goal is to really know what we are dealing with to offer the best service and to achieve it to concentrate on few products to know a lot about them.


Equipmotor Locomotion Direct s.l.

Cami Carrasqueral, 2

Pol. Industrial Ciutat Carlet

46240 Carlet, Valencia, España

Customer attention: Monday to Friday from 9 to 13.30h and from15.30 to 18h

Holiday: August and Christmas.

(+34) 96 299 4928

Legal number: ESB97760516

Registro mercantil de Valencia, al tomo 8467, libro 5757, folio 13, sección 8, Hoja V-114418, inscripción 1ª

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